Vithanage Dhanaratne (Dhane)

Dhane joined Ananda in 1959 and from there he went on to acquire a degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Ceylon in 1969.

Dhane is one of the few old boys who were fortunate to serve his Alma Mater in his professional capacity when he was appointed as the Resident Engineer to build the 5 storied science laboratory at Ananda by the State Engineering Corporation in 1971.

In the past years Dhane has been actively involved in the our Association and served as the Secretary for four years prior to his election as the President in 2003. Apart from his official activities in our Association, Dhane is well known for his comedy sketches and acting performances for the Avurudu Uthsava events. Dhane is a popular figure amongst his colleagues and friends and is renowned for his wit and sense of humour. His enthusiasm and organising skills will no doubt be an asset to the Association and I wish him well during his tenure as President.
              (A brief introduction by Ananda Eratne)

PS.  Currently Dhane, a Chartered Engineer is engaged in Consultancy work. Dhane's wife, Mala and their children Naomi, Roshan & Melanie are all great supporters of our Association.